Masters of Arts in Human Resources Management
The Master of Arts (MA) in human resource management will equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management, including recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation and benefits and employee relations.
Award in Recruitment and Employee Selection (6 ECTS) (150 Hours)
OrientationDirector’s Introduction03:27Orientation10:52Understanding Podcasts01:46Understanding Pre-recorded Lectures02:25Understanding Pre-recorded Interviews01:54Understanding Case Studies01:47Understanding Discussion Boards02:30Ascencia Style SheetAI PolicyPolicy for Online Interaction and Behaviour for E-Academic Students
Personnel Selection, Design and Validation ProcessPersonnel Selection, Design and Validation Process04:30
Methods and Tools for Employee Selection and RecruitmentShort Podcast04:22Part 1- Introduction to Employee Selection and Recruitment04:04Part 2- Techniques and Best Practices for Success in Interviews08:37Part 3- Conducting Effective Interviews07:23Part 4- Assessment Centers and Other Selection Methods09:36Part 1- Psychometric Testing in Recruitment and Selection Processes04:01Part 2- Role of Psychometric Tests in Enhancing Recruitment and Selection Processes07:34Part 3- Core Psychological Constructs Targeted by Psychometric Tests08:30Part 4- Crucial Role of Reliability and Validity in Psychometric Tests08:58Part 5- Exploring Biases in Psychometric Testing05:05Part 6- Aptitude vs. Personality Tests04:48Part 7- Aligning Psychometric Tests with Job Requirements and Culture04:38Part 8- Impact of Technology on Psychometric Tests in Recruitment08:251. 15 FQ Plus Extended Report2. 15 FQ Plus Extended Report3. 15 FQ Plus Extended Report4. 15 FQ Plus Extended ReportGRT1 Results SpreadsheetGRT1 Feedback Report
Job AnalysisShort Podcast05:32Part 1- The Foundation of Recruitment and Selection Process06:00Part 2- Practical Methods and Steps for Conducting Job Analysis08:47Journal Article
Talent Management and Sourcing CandidatesShort Podcast05:49Part 1- Strategies for Developing and Retaining Talent03:23Part 2- The Talent Management Process or Steps for Organizational Success03:41Part 3- Internal and External Recruitment Methods10:49Quiz 1Podcast: Recruitment in Businesses47:27Part 1- Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations37:25Part 2- Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations34:59Part 3- Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations48:34Part 4- Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations50:58Journal Article 1Journal Article 2
Employer Branding and Body LanguageShort Podcast04:10Part 1- Part Crafting a Strong Employer Brand to Attract Top Talent06:46Part 2- The Impact of Body Language in Recruitment and Selection04:23Part 1- The Power of Employer Branding in Recruitment10:50Part 2- Strategies for Marketing-Powered Recruitment Excellence08:52Part 3- The Evolution and Impact of Digital Marketing Tools on Recruitment Strategies12:27Part 4- Key KPIs, Trends, and Tips for HR and Marketing Collaboration08:56
Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsShort Podcast04:37Part 1- Introduction to Legal and Ethical Considerations09:28Part 2- Compliance with Hiring Laws and GDPR in Recruitment Processes09:19Part 3- Employment Contracts and Psychological Considerations in Recruitment05:58Quiz 2Part 1- Legal Compliance and Anti-Discrimination in the Recruitment Process22:37Part 2- Steps to Prioritize Fairness and Equal Opportunity in the Recruitment Process14:48Part 3- Understanding Legal Considerations in Background Checks and Employment Contracts25:09Part 4- Understanding Confidentiality Clauses and Onboarding Obligations in Employee Recruitment19:581. Empleo Articles2. Empleo ArticlesJournal Article
Mastering Job-offer Negotiation and Creating Evidence Based Guidelines for Organisational Compensation and BenefitsShort Podcast03:54Part 1- Foundations of Compensation and Theoretical Frameworks03:29Part 2- Designing Effective Compensation Structures and Strategies04:01Part 3- Continuous Improvement in Compensation Management09:51Part 1- Overview of Effective Job Offer Negotiation04:13Part 2- Negotiation Strategies and Communication09:51Part 3- Legal Considerations and Continued Learning02:28Part 1- Expert Insights and Key Theories for Recruitment and Selection09:54Part 2- Data Metrics and Ethical Decision-Making for Strategic Recruitment26:45Part 3- The Role of Technology in Recruitment and Selection12:16Part 4- Human-centric Approach and Balanced Use of Technology in Recruitment and Selection09:37Part 5- Technology Breaking Barriers in Inclusive Recruitment and Selection10:04Part 6- Crucial Skills for HR to Master in Data-Driven Recruitment12:43Journal ArticlePart 1- Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview35:40Part 2- Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview36:23Part 3- Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview30:10Effects of Candidate Gender and Qualification on Hiring Recommendations in AVI toolsPlan, Manage and Perform in an Interview
Technology and Data in Recruitment PracticesShort Podcast03:44Part 1- Introduction to Recruitment Technology03:16Part 2- Utilizing Technology in Recruitment Processes06:55Part 3- Streamlining Recruitment with Applicant Tracking Systems and Metrics06:13Part 4- Data and Metrics in Recruitment and Selection05:54Journal Article-Planning for Virtual Interviews: Residency Recruitment During a PandemicQuiz 3Quiz 4Podcast: Recruitment in Practice01:28:14Part 1- Analysing the Job Market32:44Part 2- Analysing the Job Market44:56Part 3- Analysing the Job Market36:45Using Internet Data to Analyse the Labour Market-A Methodological EnquiryJob Market Analysis
Onboarding and Retention StrategiesShort Podcast04:38Part 1- Onboarding and Retention Strategies Overview09:17Part 2- Case Study Analysis and Implementing Approach06:13Podcast: A Business Owner’s View of Recruitment50:03Journal ArticleDigital Component - HRIS25:59Collaboration and Communication Tools44:46The Relationship Between Digital Transformational Leadership Styles and Knowledge Based Empowering Interaction
ConclusionShort Podcast07:25
Award in Training and Development (10 ECTS) (250 Hours)
OrientationDirector’s Introduction03:27Orientation10:52Understanding Podcasts01:46Understanding Pre-recorded Lectures02:25Understanding Pre-recorded Interviews01:54Understanding Case Studies01:47Understanding Discussion Boards02:30Ascencia Style SheetAI PolicyPolicy for Online Interaction and Behaviour for E-Academic Students
Introduction and the Strategic Role of Training and DevelopmentIntroductory Podcast04:54Assignment podcast04:28Introduction to the Strategic Role of Learning and DevelopmentWorksheet: Creating a Learning CultureResource 1: Cultivating a Culture of Learning at Microsoft with Viva LearningResource 2: How Microsoft Built a Learning CultureResource 3: How Pixar Designed a Culture of Collective CreativityResource 4: Pixar Great People Great IdeasResource 5: Airbnb Organizational CultureResource 6: The Power of Shared Experience How Airbnb Celebrates Diversity Through Multicultural TrainingResource 7: Want Success Like Google Approach Learning Like Google DoesResource 8: Training and Development at Google An In-Depth AnalysisResource 9: Excerpt from Education for the Age of AI
Learning Theories and Adult Learning Principles in Professional GrowthPart 1: Learning Theories and Adult Learning Principles41:32Part 2: Learning Theories and Adult Learning Principles45:22Learning Theories and Adult Learning PrinciplesResource 1: The Impact of Andragogy on Learning Satisfaction of Graduate StudentsResource 2: The science of education using learning theory to solve teaching problems in medical educationResource 3: Adult learning theories Implications for learning and teaching in medical education AMEE Guide No. 83
Training Needs Analysis: Identifying Development Needs in a Business ContextPart 1: Training Needs Analysis34:37Part 2: Training Needs Analysis39:37Part 3: Training Needs Analysis32:33Training Needs AnalysisResource 1: The effectiveness of training needs analysis and its relation to employee efficiencyResource 2: The ABC Guide to Training Need AssessmentResource 3: Training Needs Assessment Concept, Methods and ProcessResource 4: Training Needs Assessment Basis for the Development of Training Programs for Employees in a Public Higher InstitutionResource 5: Training Needs Assessment Tool Utilization and Global ImpactResource 6: Cogent Social Sciences
Designing Effective Training Programs
Training Delivery MethodsWorksheet 1: Reflecting on Training Delivery MethodsWorksheet 2: Designing a Mini-Training Session with Online ToolsTraining Delivery MethodsResource 1: Design and Assessment for Hybrid Courses Insights and OverviewsResource 2: Training Delivery Methods as Source of Dynamic Capabilities: The Case of Sports’ OrganisationsResource 3: Training Delivery Methods Implemented by American Companies Opportunities and Challenges in Context of Knowledge SocietyResource 4: Analyzing Employee Training Methods for Effective Adoption of Lean Six SigmaResource 5: Analyzing Employee Training Methods for Effective Adoption of Lean Six SigmaResource 6: Analyzing Employee Training Methods for Effective Adoption of Lean Six Sigma
Evaluating Training Programs and Measuring ROI
Talent Management and Succession Planning
Performance Management & Development
Cross Cultural Challenges in Training and Development + Margaret Caruana InterviewPart 1: Achieving a Competitive Edge with Effective Training Programs21:17Part 2: Embracing Growth and Adaptability for Achieving Success23:02
Change Management + Karen Gill InterviewTraining & Development with Karen Gili28:44
Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership and Development
Award in Employee and Labour Relations (4 ECTS) (100 Hours)
OrientationDirector’s Introduction03:27Orientation10:52Understanding Podcasts01:46Understanding Pre-recorded Lectures02:25Understanding Pre-recorded Interviews01:54Understanding Case Studies01:47Understanding Discussion Boards02:30Ascencia Style SheetAI PolicyPolicy for Online Interaction and Behaviour for E-Academic Students
CourseworkIntroductory Podcast05:02Assessment Podcast02:51
Lecture 1 : Relevance of a Module in Employee and Labour Relations for StudentsRelevance of Module in Employee and Labour Relations for Students53:46
Lecture 2 : Industrial Employment RelationsPart 1: Industrial Employment Relations39:42Part 2: Industrial Employment Relations45:04Part 3: Industrial Employment Relations40:17Part 1: Understanding the Role, Benefits, and Processes of Trade Unions in Malta27:19Part 2: Insights into Organizational Stakeholders and Employment Dynamics in Malta25:49Industrial Employment RelationsJournal article: Platform Work and the Employment Relationship
Lecture 3 : Labour Law and the Code of ConductPart 1: Labour Law & the Code of Conduct53:34Part 2: Labour Law & the Code of Conduct46:19Part 3: Labour Law & the Code of Conduct51:48Labour Law & The Code of ConductCompensation, Grievances and Disciplinary Action
Lecture 4 : Esignature and Document Management SystemsE-Signature & Electronic Document Management Systems16:00Part 1: Employee and Labour Relations31:12Part 2: Employee and Labour Relations28:50
Lecture 5 : Conflict Resolution and Mediation PlatformsConflict Resolution Online Solutions23:11
Lecture 5.5 : Workplace Conflict Resolution and MediationPart 1: Workplace Conflict Resolution and Mediation50:36Part 2: Workplace Conflict Resolution and Mediation01:00:14Part 3: Workplace Conflict Resolution and Mediation52:11Workplace Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Lecture 6 : Performance EvaluationPart 1: Performance Evaluation50:27Part 2: Performance Evaluation52:03Part 3: Performance Evaluation56:51
Lecture 6.5 : Performance Management Systems
Lecture 7 : Employee Engagement and Feedback ToolsPart 1: Navigating Employee and Labour Relations Involves Grasping Key Insights & Addressing Challenges19:09Part 2: Key Approaches and Future Trends on Strategic and Ethical Employee Relations29:15Employee Engagement and Feedback Tools17:21
Lecture 8 : Employment Relations in the Digital EconomyPart 1: Employment Relations in the Digital Economy41:57Part 2: Employment Relations in the Digital Economy41:49Employment Relations in the Digital EconomyDiversity and Inclusion in Employment RelationsWorkplace Conflict Resolution and MediationPerformance Evaluation
Lecture 9 : Diversity and Inclusion in Employment RelationsPart 1: Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations37:34Part 2: Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations35:09Part 3: Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations48:46Part 4: Diversity and Inclusion in Employment Relations51:03Journal article: Diversity Interpretations, Management Practices and Inclusion Perceptions in the Workplace
Award in Professional Development (12 ECTS) (300 Hours)
OrientationDirector’s Introduction03:27Orientation10:52Understanding Podcasts01:46Understanding Pre-recorded Lectures02:25Understanding Pre-recorded Interviews01:54Understanding Case Studies01:47Understanding Discussion Boards02:30Ascencia Style SheetAI PolicyPolicy for Online Interaction and Behaviour for E-Academic Students
CourseworkIntroductory Podcast03:52Assignment Podcast04:47
Lecture 1 - What is self-awareness?
Lecture 2 - What is Professional Self-Awareness?Part 2: Developing our Personal Skills, Values and Goals33:01Professional Self-AwarenessJournal article - Self-leadership and self-efficacy
Lecture 3 - What is Reflective Learning and Why is it ImportantReflective LearningJournal article: Using a self-reflective e-portfolioPart 1: A Software Engineer's Journey22:02Part 2: The Power of Failure and Mentorship in Professional Development12:21Part 3: Adapting to Significant Changes for Sustained Professional Growth34:53
Lecture 4 - Empowering Professional Growth with Collaborative Strategies for SuccessEmpowering Professional Growth with Collaborative Strategies for SuccessGuest Interview: Guest: Lawrence24:08
Lecture 5 - Monitor Personal Progress Against Academic GoalsPart 1: Monitor Academic and Personal Progress Against Identified Personal Goals60:44Part 2: Monitor Academic and Personal Progress Against Identified Personal Goals74:48Guest Interview: Guest: Evarist Bartolo01:35:45
Lecture 6 - Personal and Professional BrandingPart 1: Personal and Professional Branding43:33Part 2: Personal and Professional Branding32:20Part 3: Personal and Professional Branding40:33Personal and Professional BrandingWork Does Not Speak for ItselfGuest Interview: Part 1- Guests: Claire, Daniel and Josianne51:35Guest Interview: Part 2- Guests: Claire, Daniel and Josianne48:50
Lecture 7 - Building a Professional Online Presence
Lecture 8 - Developing a Professional Dossier - CV, LinkedIn etcPart 1: Develop a Professional Dossier37:01Part 2: Develop a Professional Dossier32:43Part 3: Develop a Professional Dossier30:20Develop a Professional DossierRealising the Potential: Assessing Professional
Lecture 9 - Networks Strategies to Build One’s CareerPart 1: Networking Strategies for Career Advancement41:22Part 2: Networking Strategies for Career Advancement41:28Part 3: Networking Strategies for Career Advancement40:11Networking Strategies for Professional DevelopmentJournal Article - Strategies for Women LeadersGuest Interview: Guest: Morgan Carabott36:38
Lecture 10 - Establishing and Maintaining a Strong Professional NetworkPart 1: A Strong Professional Network and Business Opportunities73:14Part 2: A Strong Professional Network and Business Opportunities52:53Establishing and Maintaining a Strong Professional Network and Leveraging It for Business OpportunitiesEntrepreneurial Leadership in Startups and SMEs: Critical Lessons from Building and Sustaining GrowthThe Path to Entrepreneurship: The Role of Social Networks in Driving Entrepreneurial Learning and EducationPart 1: Mastering Personal Growth and Insights on Self-Improvement30:51Part 2: Developing a Growth Mindset with Strategies29:33Guest Interview: Daniel and Josianne35:32
Lecture 11 - Analysing the Job MarketPart 1: Analysing the Job Market32:45Part 2: Analysing the Job Market44:58Part 3: Analysing the Job Market36:45Job Market AnalysisUsing Internet Data to Analyse the Labour Market: A Methodological Enquiry
Lecture 12 - Plan, Manage and Perform in an InterviewPart 1: Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview35:42Part 2: Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview36:25Part 3: Plan, Manage and Perform in an Interview30:11Worksheet: STAR Worksheet
Lecture 13 - Provide Constructive Feedback to Team Members
Lecture 14 - Peer Review
Award in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (6 ECTS) (150 Hours)
OrientationDirector’s Introduction03:27Orientation10:52Understanding Podcasts01:46Understanding Pre-recorded Lectures02:25Understanding Pre-recorded Interviews01:54Understanding Case Studies01:47Understanding Discussion Boards02:30Ascencia Style SheetAI PolicyPolicy for Online Interaction and Behaviour for E-Academic Students
CourseworkIntroductory Podcast09:13Assignment Podcast04:30
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 1 : Relevant of a Module in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for StudentsPart 1: Relevance of Module in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Students27:19Part 2: Relevance of Module in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for Students22:38
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 2 : Introduction to Public Speaking
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 3 : Presentation Skills in Different ContextsPresentations in Different Contexts53:01
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 4 : Creating and Delivering an Business PitchPart 1: Creating and Delivering a Business Pitch34:49Part 2: Creating and Delivering a Business Pitch36:59Persuasive Strategies in the SME Entrepreneurial PitchPart 3: Creating and Delivering a Business Pitch34:38
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 5 : The Elevator PitchPart 1: The Elevator Pitch31:38Part 2: The Elevator Pitch27:19Ten Simple Rules for Hitting a Home Run with Your Elevator PitchMastering the Elevator Pitch
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 6 : Online Speaking for WebinarsPart 1: Online Speaking for Webinars40:21Part 2: Online Speaking for Webinars50:47Presentation Anxiety Analysis: Comparing Face-to-Face PresentationsOnline Speaking for Webinars
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 7 : Ethics in Public SpeakingPart 1: Ethics in Public Speaking38:41Part 2: Ethics in Public Speaking35:00Part 3: Ethics in Public Speaking45:42Stand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics in Public SpeakingEthics in Public Speaking
ALL ABOUT PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PRESENTATION SKILLS; Lecture 8: Non-Verbal Skills for PresentationsPart 1: Non-Verbal Skills for Presentations28:04Part 2: Non-Verbal Skills for Presentations32:03Shark Tank: The Influence of the use of Rhetoric and NonVerbal CommunicationNon-Verbal Skills for Presentations
THE AUDIENCE; Lecture 9 : Audience Analysis for Public Speaking and Presentation SkillsYour Audience36:12Audience Analysis in Public SpeakingPart 1: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills with Josianne Camilleri39:26Part 2: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills with Josianne Camilleri46:19
THE AUDIENCE; Lecture 10 : Interacting with Small Audiences vs. Large AudiencesPart 1: Interacting with Small Audiences Vs with Large Audiences33:35Part 2: Interacting with Small Audiences Vs with Large Audiences19:53Interacting with Small Audiences vs. Large AudiencesPublic Speaking and Presentation Skills with Darine Aboulezz39:18
THE AUDIENCE; Lecture 11 : Handling Audience ResponsesPart 1: Handling Audience Responses32:51Part 2: Handling Audience Responses35:23Handling Audience Responses, Lack of Responses, Feedback, and Questions
THE AUDIENCE; Lecture 12: Overcoming the Fear of Public SpeakingOvercoming the Fear of Public Speaking40:44Post - Lecture Podcast: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking04:32High Oral Communication Apprehensives: How Can Students be Helped to Reduce Their Fear of Public SpeakingThe Effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Technique on Public Speaking Anxiety in University StudentOvercoming the Fear of Public Speaking
THE AUDIENCE; Lecture 13 : Coming to Terms with Criticism in Public Speaking and Building ConfidencePart 1: Coming to Terms with Criticism in Public Speaking and Building Confidence26:24Part 2: Coming to Terms with Criticism in Public Speaking and Building Confidence29:58Coming to Terms with Criticism in Public Speaking and Building Confidence
THE EQUIPMENT; Lecture 14 : Audiovisual EquipmentAudio - Visual Equipment for Effective Presentations33:46Post Lecture - Podcast: Audiovisual Equipment03:08Tools for Enhancing Presentations
THE EQUIPMENT; Lecture 15 : PPT & CanvaMicrosoft Powerpoint: Excel with Proven Techniques17:19Canva: Power Up Your Presentations11:00Post Lecture - Podcast: Powerpoint & Canva03:56Effectively use software for preparing visual aids for presentations such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Canva.
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 16 : Public Speaking in a Business SettingPart 1: Public Speaking in Business Settings27:52Part 2: Public Speaking in Business Settings33:02Part 3: Public Speaking in Business Settings58:22Public Speaking in Business SettingsBusiness Dining to Public Speaking
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 17 : How to Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies for WorkPart 1: How to Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies in Organisations01:03:42Part 2: How to Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies in Organisations47:52Part 1: Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies for Work54:31Part 2: Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies for Work01:13:40Design and Implement Effective Communication Strategies for WorkAn Audience-Friendly Meeting
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 18 : Presenting Work to Your Superiors in the WorkplacePart 1: Presenting Work to Your Superiors in the Workplace37:27Part 2: Presenting Work to Your Superiors in the Workplace14:36Presenting Work to Your Superiors in the Workplace
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 19 : Collaborating with Marketing and PR for Effective Media Messaging and Group PresentationsPart 1: Collaborating with Marketing and PR for Effective Media Messaging and Group Presentations34:45Part 2: Collaborating with Marketing and PR for Effective Media Messaging and Group Presentations47:36Collaborating with Marketing and PR for Effective Media Messaging and Group Presentations.
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 20 : Mastering Presentation Skills TrainingPart 1: Mastering Presentation Skills Training - A Psychological Approach41:05Part 2: Mastering Presentation Skills Training - A Psychological Approach45:21Part 3: Mastering Presentation Skills Training - A Psychological Approach42:29Mastering Presentation Skills Training
PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR WORK; Lecture 21 : Giving and Receiving Feedback about Presentations to and from ColleaguesPart 1: Giving and Receiving Feedback about Presentations to and from Colleagues37:39Part 2: Giving and Receiving Feedback about Presentations to and from Colleagues44:17
The Master of Arts (MA) in human resource management will equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management, including recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation and benefits and employee relations.
This program has a strategic and international focus in order to equip students to manage the increasing complexity and challenges in the modern human resource function within organisations. Students will gain an increased understanding of current trends and best practices in human resource management which can be used to improve organisational performance and employee engagement. In addition, completing this program will provide students with the ability to advance in a career in human resources management, specifically in management and leadership related roles.
Programme Outcomes
- The Master of Arts (MA) in human resource management will equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management, including recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation and benefits and employee relations.
- This program has a strategic and international focus in order to equip students to manage the increasing complexity and challenges in the modern human resource function within organisations.
- Students will gain an increased understanding of current trends and best practices in human resource management which can be used to improve organisational performance and employee engagement.
- In addition, completing this program will provide students with the ability to advance in a career in human resources management, specifically in management and leadership related roles.
- MQF/EQF Level 6 qualification. However, students’ circumstances and experiences may also be considered during the application process—five years of relevant working experience in the industry of specialization.
- Proof of B2 level of English should be provided by the students upon application – IELTS level/grade 6 or the student’s country equivalent.
- A Bachelor’s degree or graduate degree in humanities, sciences, human resources, organisational behaviour, business, administration, management, communication, journalism, psychology, arts or a related field.
- Minimum 180 ECTS at MQF/EQF Level 6 previously acquired at a Higher Education institution.
- Outstanding written and oral communication skills.
- A minimum of one year of work experience in a business environment will be considered as an asset.
Course Syllabus Podcast
Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of the Course Syllabus with Our Informative Podcast
- When it comes to assessment methods, we have included quite a variety that will allow learners with different learning styles and abilities to complete the programme successfully.
- Students will also have to prepare individual reports and presentations, apart from written and multiple-choice examinations. In addition, they will have submit assignments, e-portfolios and a final thesis.
What’s included
- No.of Modules: 5
- Duration: 36 Months
- Lectures: N/D
- Learning: 2250+ Hours
- Certificates